Why training nationals is so important

  •        Nationals already speak their own language fluently.
  •        Nationals understand their own culture far better than missionaries ever will.
  •        Nationals are often willing to live on far less than American missionaries.
  •        Nationals do not get homesick for America.
  •        Nationals are not as likely to leave their ministry and move away due to ill health or because of reaching retirement age.
  •        Nationals do not need to make expensive trips to America for funerals, special events, furloughs, etc.
  •        America could never provide all the missionaries and finances required to evangelize the entire world adequately.
  •        Training nationals follows the Biblical principal found in 2 Tim. 2:2: And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.

Missionary Calvin George taught for eleven years between two Bible colleges in Puerto Rico, because he fervently believes that trained nationals are the key to evangelizing our generation. He continues his teaching ministry from the Mexican border and his lectures are being used in seminary extensions in five countries. He does not receive a salary for teaching, being completely dependent on missionary support.